Kidneys are an effortless organ which frequently goes unnoticed in the accomplishment of long-term health and typically is ignored. The next time you look at your tonsils, spare a thought for these unsung heroes and the uncomplaining work they do, purifying our blood by filtering out undesirable waste products and excess fluid. Despite that, you should be aware that a diet high in fat and salt, and a limited range of foods, may contribute to kidney disease. Strap in because we are about to explore the discreet narrowness between meal intake as well as kidney health, which should be adequately guarded.

Dr Sujit Chatterjee, CEO, of Dr L.H. Hiranandani Hospital, Mumbai has given the above-mentioned tips.


Your kidneys are white-collar multi-functional workers. Before the kidneys do their clean-up function, they lower blood pressure, produce vital hormones and minimise fluid and electrolyte imbalances in your body. The thing is, it's not exactly the only way, and the balance (or the deficiency) that you get from your diet assumes a major role.

Another villain lining up is sodium which is mostly responsible for many health issues. Too much sodium intake may bring trouble and cause the kidneys to cope with the extra work of all that elimination. Much over that, the veggie oil also causes long-term strain on the heart that may cause high blood pressure and kidney disease which looks like it's a major risk factor. In conclusion, it is certainly time to pack away those salty snacks to opt for a salt-aware diet.

But wait, there's more! Perhaps because it is so popular in gym enthusiast circles, protein, a macronutrient, can also often exert a big influence on kidney health. So your body needs protein, but overconsumption of it can burden the kidneys since the kidneys are the ones dialling out the excess waste from the protein compound's metabolism. Stabilise by preferring lean proteins only and beware of not exceeding the daily recommended intake.

Now, let's talk about the unsung heroes of kidney health: fruits and vegetables. Natural remedies like tasty fruits and vegetables are heartily laden with A, B, and C vitamins as well as trace elements like zinc and magnesium that can help your kidney fight internally the stress generated by oxidative agents and inflammations as well.

On the subject of antioxidants, herbs and spices should not be undermined. Apart from giving flavour and seasoning to your meals, some of them are also surprisingly enriched with the anti-inflammatory compounds that can help protect your kidneys from various diseases. Add to that a dash of turmeric, ginger, or garlic and the stuff is cleared of kidney danger of course.


Being reminded that hydration is the main thing for keeping our kidneys in good shape, don't forget to drink plenty of fluids. Water helps the body function as it carries out waste and toxins. Consequently, less work is carried out by your kidneys. Aim for at least seven cups, and add vegetables and fruits that contain water like watermelon or strawberry to your plate for extra hydration.

But even though we've tackled the crucial point our main goal is to have the broader audience remain informed since different people are unique and particularly those who have kidney weakness. If in doubt about your kidney health, it is advisable to attend a medical/nutrition institution which will assist in planning for a personalised diet and a care cycle that is specific to your needs.

Finally, the issue about what we consume has a significant impact on our kidneys and their health is addressed on the positive. Ageing, chronic illnesses, as well as inadequate nutrition, might all impose stress on the kidneys we have.  However, healthy living and responsible food decisions will empower them to work effectively. Hence, drinking water is essential (plus a delicious vegetable-blended beverage will do) to give credit to this unsurpassed duo. They are already praised, but more nonstop applause should be expected.

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