As many as 181 vice chancellors and academics on Monday wrote an open letter countering Congress leader Rahul Gandhi’s claim that “appointment of V-Cs is made solely on the basis of affiliation with some organisations rather than on the basis of merit and qualification”. The signatories have demanded appropriate action as per law agains him.

“In view of the fact that Shri Rahul Gandhi has resorted to falsehood and has defamed the Office of the Vice Chancellors at large... It is... earnestly prayed that appropriate action be taken against him forthwith in accordance with law,” the letter said.

Titled 'Torchbearers being torched', the letter stated, “We strongly urge all individuals involved to exercise discernment in distinguishing fact from fiction, to abstain from spreading unfounded rumours, and to participate in dialogue that is well-informed, constructive and supportive of our shared goal of creating a dynamic and inclusive educational environment.”

Those who signed the letter include Prof G D Sharma, president, Association of Indian Universities, and V-C, USTM, Meghalaya; Prof Vinay Pathak, vice president, Association of Indian Universities, and V-C, CSJM, Kanpur; Prof Pankaj Mittal, secretary general, Association of Indian Universities, and former V-C, BPSMV, Sonipat; Dr T G Sitharam, chairman, AICTE, and former director, IIT Guwahati; Prof Anil Sahasrabudhe, chairman, NETF, UGC and former chairman, AICTE.

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